Attack Surface Management Summit

Attack Surface Management Summit \ Virtual Event

September 18, 2024 | Virtual Event

Register for Virtual Events

Join us for a must-attend virtual event exclusively focused on Attack Surface Management (ASM) as corporate defenders shift tactics to continuously discover, inventory, classify, prioritize, and monitor digital assets and cloud services.

SecurityWeek editors will dig into the transformative trends driving data security and collaborate with security leaders and CISOs to provide insights and strategies to take full advantage of attack surface management technologies.

Hear from leading cybersecurity experts as they explore the latest trends, challenges and innovations in Attack Surface Management. Interactive sessions will explore practical knowledge and hands-on labs and SecurityWeek editors will provide case studios on real-world protection scenarios.

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SecurityWeek editors will dig into the transformative trends driving data security and collaborate with security leaders and CISOs to provide insights and strategies to take full advantage of attack surface management technologies.

Topics Include:

  • Attack surface sprawl and software supply chain risks?
  • Shadow IT mitigation
    GenAI, artificial intelligence and LLM innovation

  • Approaches to continuously discover, inventory, classify, prioritize, and monitor digital assets for signs of weaknesses.
  • Third-party/vendor risk management
  • Automating vulnerability and patch management at scale

    Hear from leading cybersecurity experts as they explore the latest trends, challenges and innovations in Attack Surface Management. Interactive sessions will explore practical knowledge and hands-on labs and SecurityWeek editors will provide case studios on real-world protection scenarios.

February 22, 2023

February 22, 2023 11:00 am

What Our 2022 Data Reveals About the Most Pressing Exposures on Your Attack Surface

Wes Hutcherson
Bishop Fox, Director of Product Strategy and Market Insights

Join offensive security experts from Bishop Fox as they share insights gleaned from an analysis of twelve months of findings captured in Cosmos, their award-winning attack surface management platform. Discover which exposures are plaguing modern attack surfaces and which ones pose the greatest risk based on true business impact. We’ll explore:

  •  Types, severity, and the nature of prevalent exposures, broken down by attack surface footprint and industry considerations 
  • What post-exploitation reveals about the real-world business impact of these exposures 
  • Commonly ignored exposures that can lead to complex, high-risk attacks 
  • Recommendations for proactive identification and remediation 

Our offensive security roots run deep with two decades of experience. We invite you to leverage the attack surface knowledge captured from thousands of testing engagements to go on the offense and proactively improve your security posture.

February 22, 2023 11:45 am

You Can’t Protect What You Can’t See: Asset Intelligence as the Core of an Effective Attack Surface Management Strategy

Allen Rogers
Noetic Cyber, Co-Founder & CPO

Decreasing visibility, growing attack surfaces, and limited resources have combined to create the perfect storm for security teams trying to protect against attackers. Organizations today can have millions of different assets, not just traditional compute devices but also networks, containers, mobile devices, code repositories, personal data, and people scattered across their organization. And despite dozens of security and risk tools, security teams still face crippling challenges when it comes to protecting the unknown.  

In this session, Noetic’s co-founder and Chief Product Officer Allen Rogers will showcase why asset visibility and intelligence should be at the core of an effective Attack Surface Management strategy. You will walk away with:

  • 5 core capabilities of an effective attack surface management strategy
  • The value not only of asset visibility, but also the importance of relationships between those assets to get a full 360-degree view of your security and IT estate
  • How Cyber Asset Attack Surface Management (CAASM) platforms like Noetic can offer you unparalleled asset visibility, real-time insights and continuous security posture improvement to reduce your attack surface 

February 22, 2023 12:15 pm


Please visit our sponsors in the Exhibit Hall. They're standing by now to answer your questions.

February 22, 2023 12:30 pm

Attack Surface Management: Why you should be going further to discover exploitable risks

Marc Gaffan
Cyberpion, CEO

SaaS, cloud service, and the reliance on vendors have made organization’s attack surfaces more complex and difficult to manage. But the risk doesn’t stop there. Attackers will exploit any exposure; across your assets and digital supply chains. Beating attackers to these exposed risks requires a systematic approach.

Cyberpion is the attack surface management solution that uses patented Connection Intelligence to provide laser focus into exploitable risks across your entire attack surface – and its digital supply chain. With machine learning-powered discovery engine, contextual risk assessment and prioritization, and end-to-end remediation workflow Cyberpion helps our customers rapidly address exploitable risks and improve their overall security posture.

February 22, 2023 01:00 pm

Why All Roads Lead Back to the Cloud – and Why It’s So Easily Compromised

Nate Robb
Bishop Fox, Cosmos Operator

79% of companies have experienced at least one cloud data breach in the last 18 months, often due to unknown vulnerabilities.  As cloud infrastructure grows, so do vulnerabilities and misconfigurations. While many organizations spend a lot of time fixing issues they can easily identify with tools, those tools have limitations and don't operate the way a real-world attacker does.  Luckily, an offensive security approach can help surface high-value attack paths so you can proactively identify, understand, and mitigate the most impactful vulnerabilities lurking in your cloud environment.  Join the Adversarial Operators from Bishop Fox as they share real-world examples and explore: 

  •  How hackers gain access to cloud environments (even when they aren’t targeting them) 
  • Methodologies for exploiting vulnerabilities and escalating privileges 
  • Insights gained from compromising additional services and uncovering pathways to sensitive information
  • Recommendations for reducing risk in your cloud environment 

Come see how our team's findings can sharpen your cloud security strategy!

February 22, 2023 01:30 pm

Leadership Panel: Mitigating Risk While Attack Surfaces Expand

Ryan Naraine
SecurityWeek, Editor-at-Large

Vinnie Liu
Bishop Fox, CEO

Matthew Honea
Chief Information Security Officer

Jason Shockey
Cenlar FSB, Chief Information Security Officer

February 22, 2023 02:15 pm


Please visit our sponsors in the Exhibit Hall.

February 22, 2023 02:30 pm

Fireside Chat: Jason Chan, Former Netflix Security Chief

Jason Chan
Former Netflix Security Chief

Ryan Naraine
SecurityWeek, Editor-at-Large

Join us for a fireside chat with Jason Chan, former head of information security at Netflix and operating advisor, Bessemer Venture Partners. Jason joins SecurityWeek editor-at-large Ryan Naraine for a frank discussion on the state of vulnerability management and software development, multi-cloud deployments and expanding attack surfaces, the cyber startup vendor ecosystem, Microsoft's booming cybersecurity business, and some areas still ripe for innovation.

ON-DEMAND: Bishop Fox Demo

Bishop Fox Demo

ON-DEMAND: Noetic Cyber Demo

Watch a 15 minute overview of Noetic Cyber's Cyber Asset Attack Surface Management (CAASM) platform from Andrew Wadsworth, Sr. Security Sales Engineer from Noetic Cyber.

February 22, 2023 03:30 pm

Networking & Virtual Expo

Event Details
  • Start Date
    September 18, 2024 4:52 am

  • End Date
    September 18, 2024 4:52 am