Speaker Listing 1

Tom Hegel
Senior Threat Researcher at SentinelLabs
Tom Hegel is a Senior Threat Researcher at SentinelLabs and focused on advancing cyber threat intelligence
Brian Markham
CISO at EAB Global
Brian Markham is Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) at EAB Global.
Steve Mancini
Head of Information Security at Guardant Health
Steve Mancini is head of information security at Guardant Health, a leading precision oncology company focused on helping conquer cancer.
Julian Wayte
Director of Solutions Engineering at Uptycs
Julian Wayte runs solutions engineering at Uptycs, where helps customers secure infrastructure as they make the transition to cloud-native
Sidra Ahmed Lefort
Principal, Munich Re Ventures
Sidra Ahmed Lefort is Principal at Munich Re Ventures
Sunil Kurkure - Intel Capital
Managing Director at Intel Capital
Sunil Kurkure is a Managing Director at Intel Capital based in the San Francisco Bay Area.
Juan Andrés Guerrero-Saade
Principal Threat Researcher at SentinelOne
Principal Threat Researcher at SentinelOne
David Weston
VP of Enterprise and OS Security at Microsoft
David Weston is Vice President of Enterprise and OS Security at Microsoft.
Christofer Hoff
Chief Secure Technology Officer, LastPass
Christofer Hoff is Chief Secure Technology Officer at LastPass