Speaker Listing 2

Jason Williams
Jason Williams
Product marketing manager for Prisma Cloud at Palo Alto Networks
Jason Williams Jason is a product marketing manager for Prisma Cloud at Palo Alto Networks, helping customers secure their cloud native environments.
Adam Ely
Adam Ely
CISO, Fidelity Investments
Adam Ely is the Chief Information Security Officer at Fidelity Investments and was previously the Chief Information Security Officer of eCommerce and Deputy CISO across all companies and business lines globally at Walmart
Nabeel Saeed, Okta
Nabeel Saeed
Product Marketing, Okta
Nabeel Saeed is a product marketer focused on all things security and identity.
Ryan Darst
Ryan Darst
Director of Security Automation at Torq
Ryan Darst is Director of Security Automation at Torq.
Andrew Egoroff
Andrew Egoroff
Senior Cybersecurity Specialist at ProcessUnity.
Andrew Egoroff is the Senior Cybersecurity Specialist at ProcessUnity.
Dalls Young
Dallas Young
Sr. Technical Product Marketing Manager, Abnormal Security
Dallas Young is an innovative Senior Technical Marketing Manager at Abnormal Security.
Aanchal Gupta - Microsoft
Aanchal Gupta
Corporate VP of Azure Security and M365, Microsoft
Aanchal Gupta is Corporate VP of Azure Security and M365 and leads Microsoft Security Response Center (MSRC)
Tina Caldarone
Tina Caldarone
Principal Security Engineer at Sonrai Security
Tina Caldarone is the Principal Security Engineer for Sonrai Security
Okey Obudulu
Okey Obudulu
CISO at Skillsoft
Okey Obudulu is Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) at Skillsoft