Sidra Ahmed Lefort
Sidra Ahmed Lefort
Principal, Munich Re Ventures
Sidra Ahmed Lefort is Principal at Munich Re Ventures
David Weston
David Weston
VP of Enterprise and OS Security at Microsoft
David Weston is Vice President of Enterprise and OS Security at Microsoft.
Christofer Hoff
Christofer Hoff
Chief Secure Technology Officer, LastPass
Christofer Hoff is Chief Secure Technology Officer at LastPass
Jason Williams
Jason Williams
Product marketing manager for Prisma Cloud at Palo Alto Networks
Jason Williams Jason is a product marketing manager for Prisma Cloud at Palo Alto Networks, helping customers secure their cloud native environments.
Noa Frumovich
Security Researcher, Section 52, Defender for IoT at Microsoft
Noa has served in the IDF's Navy, working on ICS research and responding to incidents.
Shane Huntley
Shane Huntley
Director, Google Threat Analysis Group (TAG)
Shane Huntley is the director of Google's Threat Analysis Group.
Kirsten Stoner
Kirsten Stoner
Technical Analyst at Veeam Software
Kirsten Stoner is a Technical Analyst on the Product Strategy team at Veeam Software.
Erik Bloch, Sprinklr
Erik Bloch
Senior Director, Detection & Response at Sprinklr
Erik Bloch is Senior Director, Detection & Response at Sprinklr, a unified-CXM platform for all customer-facing functions.
Chris Pedigo
Chris Pedigo
Field CTO, Lacework
Chris Pedigo is Field CTO at cloud security firm Lacework
Brian Fielder Microsoft
Brian Fielder
General Manager, Information Security at Microsoft
Brian is a leader in the Information Security field with a focus on high volume secure business transactions, digital transformation with cloud and modern engineering, security policy, compliance, architecture, engineering, and strategy.